
One things I’ve never understood about January 1st is that everyone makes all these plans for how they’re going to smash 2024, making resolutions and lists and plans and all sorts and then literally the first day of the new year is a bank holiday and everyone sits around doing nothing, rather than getting on with all those BEST LAID PLANS.

Surely the first day of a new year should be the opposite of a bank holiday.?

I remember way back at the start of my career on new years day I used to leave my girlfriend at home to do what she wanted to do with the day and I used to drive to the office and write software. I loved it, especially after the business had been shut down for the xmas break. I’d just a sandwich from Budgens and spend the day on my own coding.

So obviously this is a bit tongue in cheek but then, also – I would like the dichotomy of this tradition explained! Would you really not rather have this bank holiday moved later in the year, rather than getting in the way of launching your 2024 plans better and stronger than any year that came before?
